Article provided by Colorado Republican Committee . . . . . .

Local Policy Agenda . . . .

As you witnessed this past Winter with the non-sanctuary status of so many localities across our great state, the Colorado GOP has made major progress in pushing local policy and laying the groundwork for local communities and boards to protect Coloradoans from the ultra progressive Democrats in the Colorado legislature. Our next policy aims to save Colorado children from progressive Democrats who want to turn more kids trans by requiring teachers to use “pronouns” that do not make any sense and cause gender confusion.

Colorado Kids should be able to attend public schools, receive a quality education, and be free from indoctrination, but that is far from reality. In reality, all Colorado parents should be aiming to remove their kids from public education. Sadly, with Democrats in the super majority in Denver, Non-Legal Name Changes- House Bill 24-1039, passed and was signed into law by Governor Polis. The bill, sponsored by four far-left progressives, two of whom do not know their own genders and do not have children, requires teachers in public schools to use “pronouns” for kids with gender confusion that do not align with their actual scientific gender, without parental consent.

Colorado Kids should be able to attend public schools, receive a quality education, and be free from indoctrination, but that is far from reality. In reality, all Colorado parents should be aiming to remove their kids from public education. Sadly, with Democrats in the super majority in Denver, Non-Legal Name Changes- House Bill 24-1039, passed and was signed into law by Governor Polis. The bill, sponsored by four far-left progressives, two of whom do not know their own genders and do not have children, requires teachers in public schools to use “pronouns” for kids with gender confusion that do not align with their actual scientific gender, without parental consent.

If your child decides he identifies as a girl because he is angry with you, or all of his friends are doing it, the Colorado government will actively encourage his new fetish by allowing him to identify as “she,” “they,” or whatever nonsensical terms your son’s teachers and peers may dream up…all without notifying you of your child’s disturbing behavior, which should be treated rather then encouraged. The goal here is clear; the Colorado legislature seeks to break down the family unit while convincing kids that government knows best.

At an unprecedented time when Colorado’s woke laws are coming to fruition, our women and children are at grave risk of predatory males violating their rights. In Colorado Springs, at Grand Peak Academy, parents were told by the Principal & Board in March that their third grade girls would be continuously forced to use the restroom with a grown male teacher who calls himself “Ms. Sparks” and tells kids they can be ‘any gender they want.'” The Colorado government is preying on our children and forcing their safety and educational growth to play second fiddle to the feelings of trans males who are pushing the indoctrination of our children into harmful sexual situations…this must stop.

We have provided an avenue for teachers and parents, who agree this bill is a violation of their 1st and 14th amendment rights, to opt-out of forced speech and to be able to express their religious freedom. We encourage all school districts in Colorado to adopt the resolution, or some form of this resolution, to show the state that Freedom of Religion and our First Amendment rights to Freedom of Speech will not be violated. Please reach out if you need assistance passing this resolution in your district to protect staff, parents and most importantly Colorado children, from government overreach and harmful fetishization of children by the State of Colorado’s legislature.

This week, a California teacher won her lawsuit against the school district that tried to trample on her Constitutional rights by forcing her to use transgender pronouns. We can win this fight in Colorado, too, and we need you to step forward to make that happen.  Please utilize this policy, and challenge your school district to violate your Constitutional rights so that this egregious law may see its day in court. 


Will you stand for Colorado families and tell Polis and his far left legislators, “I will not be compelled to use speech that goes against my religion? I will no longer participate in the fetishes of far-left legislators in the name of equity. This has gone too far!”

RESOLUTION OPPOSING HB24-1039, “Non-Legal Name Changes,”

PREAMBLE: The Supreme Court of the United States has repeatedly held that the First Amendment is critical to the freedoms of individuals of our great nation and for the freedom of our nation itself. 
WHEREAS freedom of speech is always protected, and 

WHEREAS District X being a public school district or charter school within the State of Colorado, religion is protected, and 

WHEREAS HB24-1039 ignores the freedom of speech and freedom of religion of educators and school staff, and 

WHEREAS HB24-1039 ignores the freedom of religion of parents who, via the 14th Amendment, have the right to direct the upbringing of their children; 

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, We, XX, oppose HB24-1039 “Non-Legal Name Changes.” 

NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Board officially allows educators or any school staff to opt out of enforcement of this bill via an affidavit of religions exemption. 

NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, the Board officially allows parents or legal guardians to opt their children out of enforcement of this bill via an affidavit of religions exemption. 

NOW THEREFORE BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that any educator or school staff found to be in violation of a religious exemption shall hereby be referred to the District XX Human Resources Policy on discrimination. 

Signed: President


Please reach out to me if you need help passing this important resolution. I will always accept your calls, texts, and I can come to you to help. Thank you for all you do. 

Darcy Schoening,
Director of Special Initiatives-Colorado GOP

This article was paid for by Colorado Republican Committee. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.