By Bud Donmoyer ………………

Step one to make a boy into a pretend girl is, starting around age 10, regularly injecting him with drugs called puberty blockers such as Goserelin (Zoladex®) or Histrelin (Supprelin®LA) – this, in defiance of the Laws of Nature and of Nature’s God.

These synthetic hormones prevent facial hair, the natural growth of a boy’s genitalia, and often prevent his testicles from fully descending into his scrotum, which may later affect castration in preparation for feminizing vaginoplasty. Additional drugs stimulate the boy’s body to develop two growths, which resemble, in appearance but not function, a normal girl’s breasts. That is step two.

Last step is feminizing vaginoplasty, which is surgery to make a hole, about the size of a roll of quarters, between the boy’s rectum and his urethra. This “vault”, as the medical literature calls it, becomes the boy’s transgender vagina. To line the vault the surgeon uses the skin of the boy’s penis turned inside out after removing the subcutaneous flesh and discarding it, along with the boy’s testicles, as medical waste. Decorative labia majora are created using leftover skin from the boy’s scrotum. A simulated clitoris is created from a portion of the glans penis. Feminizing vaginoplasty requires a lifetime commitment to mechanically dilating the vault a few times each week to keep it open.

All this (strong drugs, major surgery, genital mutilation) is part of gender-affirming care for boys as advocated by certain dissembling Progressives, Liberals, and California-style Democrats.
